Research project description
The aim of this pilot research is to encourage all Faculty of Education and Social Work staff and students to connect to the vision of Pasifika successby strengthening collaboration of all lecturers and teaching staff with Pasifika support staff. The research aims to strengthen cultural awareness and engagement in cultural practices that are conducive to Pasifika success.
The website is a resource shared within the faculty as a tool of wayfinding Pasifika success and will include specific content to foster Pasifika success.
This sharing of Pasifika content will include Pacific indigenous knowledge, Pasifika research methods and Pasifika teaching and learning frameworks. The overarching research question is:
How can Pasifika as a collective within the University strengthen connections, work collaboratively and engage in the spirit of the collective?
You are invited to explore this site by clicking on the markers in the shell map image above.
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